Category: Mortgages

Stopping Foreclosure with Bankruptcy

If you fall behind on your mortgage payments, and the lender has accelerated the loan and begun foreclosure proceedings, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often the only realistic way to save your home from foreclosure. Unless you can come up…

Dyck O’Neal Lawsuits in Massachusetts

Throughout 2014 we have been dealing with a flood of lawsuits from a debt collection firm called Dyck O’Neal. The lawsuits are mostly from Florida, and they arise out of mortgage foreclosure deficiencies judgments purchased by Dyck O’Neal. Former homeowners…

Should I Reaffirm my Mortgage in Bankruptcy?

It may work differently in other states, but here in Massachusetts people do not tend to reaffirm mortgages in Chapter 7 bankruptcy.  First of all, reaffirmation only exists in Chapter 7.  It does not exist in Chapter 13 or 11.…

Can a Second Mortgage Foreclose on my Home?

In theory, the answer is, yes. A junior mortgage, such as a HELOC or other second or third mortgage, can foreclose in Massachusetts.  There are additional procedures for the foreclosure of junior (second, third, etc.) mortgages that are different than…